Wheelchair ramps are helpful for all building types. They can support varying-size wheelchairs and feature a simple body that allows a person to get up and down quickly. A consistent slope and handrails on the sides can also make it easier for people to use the ramp. REDD Team is proud to help businesses build wheelchair ramps, and we’re ready to serve your site.

Wheelchair Ramps and Accessibility Products One question you might have concerns how the ramp will make it easier for people with wheelchairs and other accessibility products to access a site. While it’s great that a ramp can help people overcome barriers around a space, you should also consider how well the ramp is built.

The ramp is suitable for all accessibility products, including wheelchairs, motor scooters with three wheels, walkers, canes, and other items people may require. Its design makes it easy to use without slipping or risking harm.

A Sturdy Surface

Our wheelchair ramps at REDD Team are made with aluminum materials that are easy to shape into your specific ramp. While aluminum makes things easy to customize, it can also keep accessibility products from slipping.

An aluminum surface can be roughened or prepared with grooves to add a surface that supports traction. The design helps a wheelchair’s wheels maintain a safe grip. The bottom of other walking aids will also stay in place without risking slipping.

A Smooth Transition

Another feature in the design of your wheelchair ramp from REDD Team involves how well people can transition from a regular surface to the ramp and back again. The ends can feature slim surfaces that affix themselves to the surface without creating a bulky effect. You can bolt down the ends as necessary.

The transition ensures no one will trip when getting on the ramp. Keeping the surface as close to the natural floor as possible is necessary.

A Sturdy Body

You’ll also appreciate how we can make ramps that can handle various impacts. The impacts of a cane, walker, or other accessibility products can cause wear on many surfaces, but an aluminum wheelchair ramp won’t bear those risks. Aluminum is one of the most resilient metals, as it can handle multiple impacts and hits from various directions. The surface can also resist rain and other weather hazards, plus it can handle hundreds or thousands of pounds at a time depending on the installation layout.

Aluminum also lasts longer than wood and other common materials. Wood ramps can wear from those impacts, and they won’t handle rain as well as aluminum. The metal also won’t be hurt by temperature changes in the winter or summer, plus it’s easier to clean.

Wheelchair ramps are helpful, but they must also support all accessibility products by providing a safe space. REDD Team will be there to help you plan and build your ramp for your location. You can learn about our ramps and how they can work for you through our website. You can also reach us by phone at 800-648-3696 if you have further questions about how you’ll get your ramp ready.