Your business site will include many places people can go around, but not everyone will have an easy time doing so. Many people who visit might require wheelchairs or other mobility aids. You can’t forget about these people, as failing to make your site accessible could be an ADA violation. The good news is that you can improve wheelchair accessibility for your commercial property by installing ramps in many places. REDD Team can help you build and set up these ramps around your property.

What Accessibility Measures Are There?

Wheelchair Accessibility for Commercial PropertiesYou’ve got various options to explore for wheelchair accessibility. Elevators and mechanical lifts are helpful in many situations, particularly with multiple floors. However, these items can take a while to install, and the risk of them breaking down can be substantial.

Installing ramps around your property is ideal for wheelchair accessibility because ramps are always available and never at risk of breaking down. Wheelchair ramps are also made with strong compounds, and our workers at REDD Team use sturdy aluminum to make all items here in the United States.

Our ramps will help anyone go up and down a space with ease. We can help you design new ramps based on your size limitations and how high you need them to go. We understand all ADA standards for getting ramps ready, and we can also work with whatever state-specific rules might apply in your area.

Where Should These Ramps Go?

Now that you know what makes ramps helpful, you’ll need to figure out where they should go. The general rule of thumb is to have ramps over any half-an-inch or greater barrier. Anything shorter shouldn’t be challenging for a wheelchair to go over, and anything higher will need a ramp.

You can get those ramps ready around many spaces on your property. Place them in a small spot where there might be one or two steps. You could also use a ramp next to a small staircase with about six to ten steps. Depending on the size, you should divide that ramp into multiple runs in different directions.

These ramps are also vital for outside areas. You’ll require a ramp next to any entrance stairs. Ramps can also work on curbs and near accessible parking spaces. These ramps should be designed in spaces where people who use wheelchairs may require them. You can add ramps at parking spaces near spots where a wheelchair is more likely to be wheeled out of a more massive vehicle, for example.

Remember the fire exits. You can install ramps outside your building around fire escape spaces, providing a safe exit point for people who need it the most.

You can ask us at REDD Team how we can plan wheelchair ramps for your commercial property. Wheelchair accessibility is necessary for all commercial properties, as you don’t want to risk getting in legal trouble for not being accessible enough. You can contact us at REDD Team online or by phone at 800-648-3696 for further details on how we can help you with your ramps.