There are many large and small schools throughout Texas, but regardless of how vast the school is, it will require wheelchair ramps. Modular aluminum wheelchair ramps for schools in Texas can be designed to be safe and easy to use while ensuring every school property is accessible. REDD Team is proud to make these ramps available to schools throughout Lone Star State.

Modular Aluminum Wheelchair Ramps For Schools In TexasWe can build ramps based on the specifications listed in the Texas Ability Standards. These guidelines are necessary for ramps throughout the whole state.

Our team can create ramps based on these points:

  • A ramp must have a clear width of at least 36 inches. The width can be 32 inches, like when the railings start. If a ramp is designed to handle two wheelchairs at a time, the width must be 60 inches.
  • The spot linking the ramp to the rest of the group should be at least 24 inches long. This feature allows for an easy transition from the floor to the ramp.
  • For 90-degree turns, the ramp must have an opening 36 inches deep and 48 inches between the first part of the ramp and the next part.
  • The steepest permitted slope for a wheelchair ramp in Texas is 1:12. Texas code states that any route with a slope of 1:20 or greater is a ramp.

These rules for your wheelchair ramp in your Texas school are essential to follow, as the ramp should be accessible for people to use. REDD Team will help you plan a ramp based on all Texas state rules.

Planning Your Position

Our modular aluminum wheelchair ramps for schools in Texas are helpful for all schools, but they work best when placed in areas where they can fit well. You’ll need to put a ramp near the steps and get it somewhere where the risk of obstructions is minimal. For instance, the Texas Ability Standards state that any item that projects from a wall with a leading edge from 27 to 80 inches from the ground cannot protrude more than four inches into a ramp or another area.

The ramp should also have enough room on the top and bottom parts for landings. The landings must be at least 60 inches long to allow a person to turn off the ramp. They should also be away from any doors that might open outward and at least as wide as the rest of the ramp.

Regardless of where the ramp needs to be positioned, REDD Team will help you design and build a ramp that fits. Let us know about the specifics you have for a ramp and how it needs to be positioned and arranged, and we can build a setup that fits your spot.

Trust REDD Team when searching for the best modular aluminum wheelchair ramps for schools in Texas. Visit our website to learn more, or call 800-648-3696 for further details on how we can serve your needs. We are available to help your school become more accessible for everyone.