The Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code and Virginia Construction Code require schools and other public buildings to include wheelchair ramps in areas with stairs or other barriers. Your school must follow the code to ensure everyone can properly and fairly access all parts of the building, and REDD Team will help you attain that goal. We can prepare modular aluminum wheelchair ramps for schools in Virginia that can fit in any situation.

Rules For Ramps In Virginia

Modular Aluminum Wheelchair Ramps For Schools In VirginiaThe rules for a ramp in Virginia based on the building code state that a ramp must be installed in any space where the height of an entrance is high enough to where a ramp cannot overcome a space. A temporary ramp can be installed where the entrance height is less than 30 inches, but a permanent ramp will be necessary if the height is more significant. REDD Team can work with modular ramps in both situations, although a permanent installation is best regardless of the general height.

The Virginia Construction Code also has further rules on what your school will require for a ramp:

  • The ramp must have a slope that is not steeper than 1:12 or one inch in height for every twelve inches of length.
  • The rise of the ramp cannot be higher than 30 inches. For cases where the total rise in an area is greater than 30 inches, you’ll require two separate ramps with a landing in the middle.
  • There should be at least 80 inches of headroom around the ramp area, measured from the surface of the ramp to the ceiling.
  • Landings at least 60 inches long are necessary on the top and bottom parts of the ramp. The same 60-inch standard applies to landings that appear midway through the ramp.
  • For cases where the ramp’s direction changes, there should be a landing of 60 inches on each side at the spot where the direction changes.
  • While Virginia doesn’t have a specific rule for how wide the ramp should be, the Construction Code does request that the landing width be at least the width of the widest ramp next to it. A 36-inch width for the ramp is still recommended, as that standard is used in most other states and should fit most wheelchairs.

These rules are vital to follow, and REDD Team will help your Virginia school meet these standards.

What Does Modular Mean?

Our modular aluminum wheelchair ramps for schools in Virginia are customizable and can take many forms. Modular ramps can be adjusted to fit in specific or unique spaces. Your ramp can be cut or shaped in various lengths and slopes based on what works in a spot.

You can provide information on what you need from your ramp, and our experts at REDD Team will build the best materials and send them to your spot. Each shipment will include all the items necessary for installation.

Talk with us at REDD Team for further details on how we can make modular aluminum wheelchair ramps for schools in Virginia. You can reach us at 800-648-3696 or visit our website for information on how we can serve your needs.