The small portable building you can use on your worksite as a contractor office will stand a few feet off the ground, and the door leading into the building will also be slightly off the ground. You’ll require an added set of contractor office access steps to give people simple and safe entry into your mobile office. REDD Team is available to help you plan office access steps that fit your spot.

Contractor Office Access Steps We can prepare new steps that will fit your office well. These steps are also easy to assemble and take apart when moving your office spot somewhere else.

How High Should Your Steps Be?

Your portable contractor office will likely be about three to five feet off the ground. The structure needs to be off the ground to allow for easy transport and to prevent damage from debris and weather conditions.

You can plan access steps that are tall enough to reach the office door. But you’ll need to measure the height necessary for the steps while ensuring that height remains consistent when moving the office building to someplace else.

How Are the Steps To Be Designed?

You’ll likely need three to five steps to prepare your contractor office access steps. These steps should have treads at least 10 inches long and risers less than 7.75 inches high. Since many people who enter the office might have been working outdoors all day, you’ll need to ensure those steps are large enough for people to walk up and down


Remember the railings on the sides of the steps. Those railings should be about 34 to 38 inches high from the step surface to the top. Our workers at REDD Team can help you determine the steps’ height based on your current situation.

Don’t Forget the Landings

You will require landings for the top and bottom parts of your contractor office access steps. The top landing ensures people don’t immediately get on the steps after exiting the office, and the bottom creates a good base for getting in and out of the office area.

Each footing should be at least 42 inches deep, meaning it is 42 inches or more from the step surface to the end part. This space should provide enough room for everyone. Don’t forget to get a railing on the sides of the top landing.

Simple Assembly

When you move your contractor’s office, you’ll need to disassemble your steps. REDD Team’s steps are designed to be easy to assemble and disassemble, as everything needed for them is included in your order. You won’t require extra tools outside of what we provide for your space.

REDD Team can serve you by producing contractor office access steps that fit your needs. We build top-quality aluminum steps in the United States and deliver all pre-fabricated parts to your site. Everything is easy to assemble with no cutting involved, plus the aluminum materials are lighter than traditional steel or wood. You can learn more about our work at our website or call us at 800-648-3696 for further details.